can: 短语和例子I can swim. 我会游泳。 You can go. 你可以去;去好了;去罢。 Curiosity can get you into trouble. 好奇可能招引麻烦。 Do you think he can yet be living 你以为他还会活着吗? How can you 你怎么能这样!你真做得出!If you don't be quiet yo
A road camera was set at a position where the whole conditions around the cross can be observed and from it the motorist can get the opposed line conditions which he can not see from his car 在交叉口的适当位置设置道路监视摄像机,通过从摄像机中得到的交叉路口道路全貌的图像对驾驶员进行提示,使驾驶员可以观察到死角的状况,及时采取措施。